We know running a foster care agency presents daily risks, from child safeguarding responsibilities to employee security and data protection. We understand that the accountability pressures you face for children in your care are increasing. We're here to ensure that your insurance cover provides the protection you need.
The standard foster care policy includes:
Our team of experts has years of experience supporting businesses in the care sector.
We take time to manage your risks and arrange cover that's right for your foster care agency, so you can relax and support the children in your care, knowing you, your business and your staff are protected.
The level of cover you need will depend on many factors. We would need to assess your business and the risks it faces, then make recommendations.
In larger organisations, or where several employees are in one location, we'd recommend increased limits of cover are arranged.
As an employer, you're legally required to have employers liability cover for compensation of at least £5 million, but most policies will offer cover for £10 million.
Yes. Under the Employers Liability (Compulsory Insurance) Act, if your company employs staff, you are required by law to have employers liability insurance in place. This insurance will enable you to meet the cost of any compensation due should an employee suffer injuries or illness, whether they are caused on or off-site.
You require employers liability cover from the day your care business starts employing staff. From the moment you have any person to whom you are responsible, whether paid or not, you are at risk of legal action. To qualify as "staff" a person does not have to be paid or under contract to you. It includes any person to whom you have a legal duty of care. This means that sometimes even sole traders will need employers liability insurance.