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Energy contractors insurance

0204 525 5867

Giving you peace of mind in a volatile sector

Today’s oil, gas and energy sector is facing pressure on multiple fronts, including: price volatility, competitive threats, evolving decarbonisation legislation and skills shortages in emerging sectors. The sector also has an ongoing duty to keep employees safe at work.

Our specialist oil, gas and energy brokers provide market leading insurance for on- and off-shore markets across the world. We can give you the peace of mind and protection you need to do business with confidence. 

Working with AIG, we have created an exclusive energy contractors insurance solution that’s not available anywhere else on the open market. Our solution can help you reduce your exposures and mitigate risk wherever it occurs. 


Highlights include: 

  • Pre-loss assistance to identify and address risk. This includes health and safety training, claims prevention and defensibility evaluations, and claims investigation training workshops. 
  • Proactive absence management and health surveillance service to promote reduced absence rates, employee wellbeing and increased productivity.
  • Crisis containment, crisis communication and environmental clean-up costs in the event of an incident.
  • Employee-related accident benefits and medical and vocational rehabilitation to support your workforce.
  • Dedicated claims service managed by the highly experienced AIG claims team.

Get in touch with a energy contractor expert

Health and safety loss control

Whether in the office or working offshore, keeping your people safe is the number one priority. With safety training included as part of your policy, you can boost health and safety awareness across the company. 

Claims prevention and investigation

With pressures mounting in the energy sector, downtime of any kind can have a major impact on your business. We’ll work with you to uncover and manage potential areas of risk to support safe and efficient ongoing operations.

Environmental clean-up

The consequences of leakage or a spill can be devastating for the environment, your reputation and your bottom-line. Protect against the clean-up costs and more with specialist cover.

Crisis containment

Having a strong reputation for safety, responsibility and compliance is critical in today’s competitive oil, gas and energy sector. In the event of an incident, our dedicated crisis management team is here to help. 

Accidents and rehabilitation

It’s not just your offshore teams that can have accidents or fall ill. Onshore incidents happen too. This policy offers immediate cash payments for a wide range of workplace injuries to minimise long-term health impacts. 

Insurance for renewable energy projects

Insurance is often seen as a necessary evil driven by either legal or contractual requirements. But it can actually become a real cost benefit. Discover how to secure funding, keep your projects on schedule and manage your operational risks.